Wood Box Beam Blog

Designer Galey Alix Chooses Reclaimed Rough Saw...
Have You Seen The Latest? Hip and hot new designer has come onto the scene with HGTV in her already-a-hit weekend remodeling makeover show called Home in a Heartbeat, Galey Alix...
Designer Galey Alix Chooses Reclaimed Rough Saw...
Have You Seen The Latest? Hip and hot new designer has come onto the scene with HGTV in her already-a-hit weekend remodeling makeover show called Home in a Heartbeat, Galey Alix...

Turning The Corner on Box Beams Built Right
When you make as many wood box beams as we do, thousands every year, you learn a few things about great building techniques. Joinery Strength: Spline-miter vs. Lock Miter Spline-miter...
Turning The Corner on Box Beams Built Right
When you make as many wood box beams as we do, thousands every year, you learn a few things about great building techniques. Joinery Strength: Spline-miter vs. Lock Miter Spline-miter...

Faux Wood Beams - Ultimate Ceiling Box Beam Buy...
Affordable is relative. Be weary though, you'll definitely get what you pay for. STOP! What to know before you buy FAUX WOOD BEAMS! Read this first. Ultimate buyer's guide before...
Faux Wood Beams - Ultimate Ceiling Box Beam Buy...
Affordable is relative. Be weary though, you'll definitely get what you pay for. STOP! What to know before you buy FAUX WOOD BEAMS! Read this first. Ultimate buyer's guide before...

Should I Choose A Box Beam Instead Of A Solid B...
Why should I choose a box beam instead of a solid beam? With a solid beam, they are what they are and to reduce the face of a solid beam...
Should I Choose A Box Beam Instead Of A Solid B...
Why should I choose a box beam instead of a solid beam? With a solid beam, they are what they are and to reduce the face of a solid beam...

How Big Can You Make a Box Beam?
How Big Can You Make a Box Beam? Over 40 feet! We often produce custom box beams between 20 feet and 30 feet. There isn't a box beam size we haven't built. With our massive...
How Big Can You Make a Box Beam?
How Big Can You Make a Box Beam? Over 40 feet! We often produce custom box beams between 20 feet and 30 feet. There isn't a box beam size we haven't built. With our massive...

How is a Box Beam Different than a Solid Beam?
How is a Box Beam Different than a Solid Beam? Unlike a solid beam, a box beam is hollow. It's made from skins of a solid beam. Seeing the true artistry of a well-done reclaimed box beam is...
How is a Box Beam Different than a Solid Beam?
How is a Box Beam Different than a Solid Beam? Unlike a solid beam, a box beam is hollow. It's made from skins of a solid beam. Seeing the true artistry of a well-done reclaimed box beam is...